Have you noticed people demanding/expecting/feeling entitled to have their life choices accepted? It’s a sorry state of affairs when grown adults (at least in age) still need to be validated by not just one but all.
“I’m trans and you will accept me.” Uhm, no. Real adults respond to requests, not orders.
I’ve had many people, some incredibly close to me, demanding that I do what they say and for a long time I did. Not anymore. I’ve had them tell me that I MUST listen to them. Again, no. Respect is not automatically granted, it is earned.
Do you acquiesce to peoples’ demands ahead of your own boundaries? Understand, I ask this at the same time as knowing that saying no is difficult for most.
You have to establish what is your business and when to tell other people, in the politest possible way, to go fuck themselves. I can’t remember who said this but I heard recently that a famous person’s biggest unfulfilled wish was to tell people to fuck off more.
Quite right.
A couple of nights ago, I dreamt of telling a relatively close family member to do one.
If you’re going to achieve anything, you’re gonna have to develop a backbone. You’re not limpid, you’re human and you have a human heritage stretching back however many thousands or millions of years.
Do stuff today, and every day, that’d make your ancestors proud.