There was a handful of phrases that my ex used that, frankly, drove me mad. I lost track of how many times he used them.
One of them! – What’s wrong with that?
Now, this is what he said. What did he actually mean?
I had to google but, allegedly, Tom Bilyeu (a fairly decent American YouTuber) said humans are ‘meaning making machines’. Tim hasn’t been around for that long and when I read his name, I thought it was unlikely he had originated the term, true to form, a couple of hits below, Victor Frankl was referenced as having discussed such themes in human behaviour.
This is kind of the same point. We believe we are confronted with information and leanings people have but I know part of my irritation with the above phrase my ex used was what he really meant.
What’s wrong with that, in practice,becomes what’s wrong with doing it my way?
Assume everyone thinks they’re right. I do, you do, your family does, your colleagues do, even your dog. The hideous option is to silence yourself, to not stand up for yourself. That’s what I did ’to keep the peace.’ But, of course, you don’t keep the peace for yourself.
I silenced myself because I couldn’t be arsed, at the time, to have the discussion or to listen to more whining or criticism. Sarcasm too, I’ve experienced quite a lot of that.
It’s why, at the moment, I am relishing my solitude. Sorting my head out.
Pay attention to when people in your life include you in this ‘we’ bollocks.
It’s also worth assuming that people want approval, so they’ll include you in ‘we’ because strength in numbers right? There are hidden messages (and often cries for help) in what people say because they speak in code rather than just flatly saying what they mean.
The bubble finally burst with me and my ex, all my past relationships basically, because I wanted to do things my way without the stress and childish behaviour.
It can be very hard to stay levelheaded in these situations but rather than create more anxiety, breathe, reboot and seriously ask the question,
Is this how I really want to live?