I’m starting to realise just how much pressure I’ve felt from people and how much I’ve inflicted on myself.
My life has felt very tight! Being squeezed, feeling tense much of the time.
I have described much of people’s behaviour as “killing things with questions.” – a relentless need of everyone around me to know each and every single detail of my life in minute.
Another phrase that has gained more significance in recent history, particularly with my ex-boyfriend, is “death by a thousand cuts.” This mode has involved much questioning too but on a more subtle level.
The phrase that particularly griped me was “what’s wrong with that?”. The annoying aspect about this was its coded nature – he wouldn’t just come out and say, honestly, “why don’t you do it like me?”
He really didn’t like me being independent. Even down to when we ate out he got annoyed when I ordered a different drink from him, that I wanted a different starter. Everything uniform! And very restrictive. I realise now that “he” was another prison I put myself into.
Of course, I’m painting a picture, whenever I speak of him, that it was all bad. There were absolutely needs and desires that were fulfilled for me, otherwise I wouldn’t have tried so hard to make it work but, frankly, from the start there was a bluntness and a hardness that had set in within him that was nothing to do with me. It was all very “take it or leave it.”, dismissive and nothing collegiate about it.
He asked many irritating questions but found it almost impossible to talk about anything meaningful and he found it very uncomfortable to take real questions from me so conversation was out of the window very early on.
All this to say, take from life what you will, in other words, take what is useful. Despite my age, on the verge of turning 44, he was my first serious relationship and a very impactful epoch of my life.
Now, no matter what the relationship I go into, whether business or personal or professional, I serve my needs. It is uncomfortable still but I embrace the discomfort more and more. The dragon hides the gold, the Knights of the Round Table, in search of their Holy Grail, entered the forest at the point which they feared the most.
Believe me, the stark irony of associating my ex with danger and fear is not lost on me. I am starting to laugh at it now that I made so many decisions to stay when the obvious choice was to run away.
But we do things for bizarre reasons and, sometimes, we just have to go through the mud to get to the clear, free-flowing stream.
Cherry-pick, my friends, not everything will serve you but you’ll learn to exclude it as you go.