Being stoical is a bitch!
Are you one of those people who live with millions of regrets? Wishing you could you change the past? Fuck that shit!
We’ve all done stuff that, in hindsight, we might not repeat again.
We’ve also wished to have been a different person in the past.
Again, fuck that.
Life is a series of lessons and adaptations – and many of them.
Yes, we try to rewrite history or try to rewind our minds but obviously it’s a waste of time.
The only way to banish regret is to accept that who you were at the time of any decision was based entirely and only on what you knew then and the experience you were used to. That’s it.
You didn’t know then what you know now because you hadn’t been through it yet.
And there’s a lesson in everything, there is. If you want to find it of course. Here’s a kicker – a lot of people don’t. Much easier to blame someone or something else than tale the responsibility.
Regret makes you a victim.
Regret makes you childish.
Regret stunts your growth.
Let go.
Accept what’s happened, it’s a part of you and who you are. You’ll never erase it.
Grow up, find the positives and discard what doesn’t serve you.
Be a man and
Admit that you secretly enjoyed the ride!