Honesty’s the best policy, right? That’s what we were brought up on, wasn’t it? Or am I mistaken?

Make no mistake, 99% of people HATE honesty. What they mean is agree with me or else!

In order to be an adult, keep this Socrates quote in your mind.

“The beginning of wisdom is the naming of terms.”

Most people hate labels, they deplore boundaries and they would sooner do anything than tell the truth. This is the first thing to acknowledge.

The second acknowledgement to make is to realise you are going to make enemies when you give your perspective of the truth. Note – not ‘your’ truth or ‘their’ truth – THE truth.

Amazingly, people disagree on facts, usually because they want to manipulate the truth in their favour or, worse, manipulate you. Don’t let them.

Third time you must acknowledge – that you are your own person, you do things your way and, as much as possible, go into the world aiming to make friends and let everything else go.

Acknowledge your right for freedom!