We Brits love a good institution.

Most deify the NHS as the shining example of Social Healthcare and dismiss the ground principles that Christianity has so obviously given us.

We love our Monarchy and glorify particularly the Late Queen Elizabeth II despite the fact she happily entertained Middle Eastern warlords and Asian Communist Dictators.

The strength and dignity of Brits (well actually the English really) comes from realising we, until recently, value the individual, the personal struggles and overcoming evil and complacency.

The key to living your very best life is realising how little you have control over and learning to focus in on and hone your skills, your productivity and your ability to drown out the ubiquitous noise of the modern world.

It’s why I left London and returned to my native Derbyshire.

London is not real. It’s an idea. Artificial, chaotic, the seat of power, it is not the seat of principle nor peace.

We have an innate nature of space, prosperity and of being IN nature. 

Cities are illness and stress.

The Country (meaning both nature and home) are wellness.