It’s one of the nicest things I’ve ever heard.

In the early 2000s, I visited a university friend who was living Venice. It was at Carnivale time, the streets were full of colourful characters. Music played and the drinks were VERY expensive! Ha ha!

My friend had gone downstairs to make a phone call, arranging meeting at a party later and she was talking about who she was bringing (me and another university friend of ours).

I couldn’t make out most of what she said but, when talking about me, she simply said. “He’s stunning.”

I remember smiling, halfway down the stairs. It was sweet. 

Funny though, that as time has gone on, it is harder to believe the nice stuff. There is a great scene in Pretty Woman where Richard Gere tells Julia Roberts that she is a “very bright, very beautiful woman.” She says. “The bad stuff is easier to believe. Ever notice that?”

Do you cancel out the great stuff for just one little jab, for just one little negative remark or sleight?

Start believing you’re worth more and then live it!