It’s really dawning on me just how much I have panicked in my life! That I’ve always been preparing to put out fires because, frankly, I grew up in an incredibly fragile and unpredictable environment and I allowed it to carry on right through university, my working life, so-called friendships.

Always preparing for the worst.

Always worrying what other people will think.

Drop the shit! Drop it.

Being an adult means taking responsibility for yourself. What most miss is that it also means you don’t have to justify yourself to other people – the trap of people pleasing is a miserable, unsolvable and relentless one.

Pay attention to how you relate with people.

Pay attention to how you conduct yourself.

And, for goodness sake, do what you need to do.

There will always be lovers and haters.

Start to trust yourself.

Imagine the worst case scenario (that I know is going on in your MIND) and ask yourself how terrible it would be if it happened in REAL life. You’ll soon realise that a) it probably won’t even happen and b) it wouldn’t be anything as terrible as you imagine.

The imagination is both a blessing and a curse. Address the balance and make sure you’re using your mental faculties to live a peaceful, joyful and relaxed life.

It’s all in your head!