And, of course, start living BIG!

I had an epic clearout of old photos last night. Pictures of holidays that I hadn’t looked at for years, holding onto things, wondering why my life was cluttered with this stuff.

What I also did was hone in on the dream state I truly desire, the beautiful home that I want to build and I am talking massive castle in the countryside, totally private, totally epic! 

You can spread yourself too thinly, thinking you can ‘make do’ with a house here, maybe a flat there, some cars. The universe will only deliver you meagre results if you go in half-heartedly.

You have to dare to dream big and then to match the aspiration with prolific action.

Remember, you are allowed to take up space in the world and those that will tell you you’re crazy are the ones who will go to their graves regretful and dissatisfied.

That’s not you. 

Stop Living Small.

Start Living Stratospherically!