If you want to find stress you can find it.
If you want to create stress you can create it.
I have certainly done both of those!
How? By being impatient and by being judgemental actually.
Here’s a question. What’s the hurry? What are you racing towards? Who are you racing?
I remember my ex always SAYING that he wanted peace and serenity but in the next breath wildly criticising someone or stressing over some tiny event.
I went on a massive walk yesterday and on my way back I stopped at a particular bench I love to sit at, there is an absolutely stunning view over the hills and farmland on the other side of the brook from it.
I heard marching footsteps and turned to see a young lad walking the path very very fast and I realise it was an opportune moment to see what I must have looked like when I was hurrying along, not really taking in the surroundings. It was a wakeup call and a reminder of how much progress I have made in the last few months.
That is what peace is truly about – being able to take in where you are, being present and being in a state of calm to appreciate the beauty around you.
I recommend it.