You have a history.

I have a history.

We all of us have histories.

When you think back, do you remember getting the stuff you needed?






Education & Wisdom

Feel free to add your own to the list, there’s a lot and the likelihood, at best, is that you got some but felt lacking elsewhere. It’s life.

I debate in my head the idea of ‘everyone tried(s) their best’ – I think it’s probably true. It’s the optimist in me.

But when you reach adulthood (the arbitrary figure of 18 in a lot of cases), there’s stuff you simply don’t know. It’s okay to be unsure. It’s okay to try things and so-called making it up as you go. 

To take responsibility means you have to give yourself some of the stuff you need and you can figure out how to give it to yourself. No one else actually knows how to do that for you. They try and help but they don’t have all the answers either. 

Beware anyone who tells you they know it all. That usually means they just want you to agree with all the ways they want to do it.

I say it often and I will say it again now.

It’s your life and you live it.

Taking responsibility means you decide how and what to get that you need but it also means taking control for yourself.

Be strong and keep going.