Here goes! I’m an enormous control freak. My control-freakery manifests in ‘neatness’. Always tidying. I find it satisfying but also it wears me out and wastes my time.

There are also loads of ideas and plans and aspirations I’ve had in my head for such a long time it is very hard to let them go, even though I know they are not what I ultimately want for myself.

I believe we all have some degree of FOMO. We don’t want to burn bridges or cut ourselves off from rewards because we believe they will make us ‘happy’.

We don’t know what words actually mean – what is ‘happy?’ No, life doesn’t get better the more stuff we add in, it gets better when we strip away our unauthentic and long-held desires and destructive elements of our personalities.

If something is meant to happen, it will inevitably sort itself out WHEN we do good work, that fits our character and work ethic.

Freedom comes at a cost – responsibility and responsibility is a reward in itself because you 

a) get more decisive

b) achieve higher levels of peace

c) have the headspace to focus on your true dream!