I’m an idealist at heart.

And I have a massive streak of unbridled perfectionism in my personality. It’s something I am now reining in as much as possible.

It’s very easy to romanticise the past, to rewrite history even! It’s so tempting to remember the good (and why you won’t let go of things) and ignore the negative aspects of what you believe you want.

There is no ‘ideal’ because people want different things and, many times, we have to muck in with other people (or at least respect their boundaries) to keep the peace.

Being so sensitive in my life, I’ve hated people treading on my turf but priorities are the name of the game. What really matters?

Why say, then, that it could never been that way? Rewriting history means, in your mind, you could go back and make things different. 

Hindsight is a trap!

You are where you are.

You’ve done what you’ve done.

All you can do is behave better from here. 

Better? More peaceful, more productive, more principled.