I am buying back my family home.

There, I’ve said it on a YouTube video.

Now I am saying it in a blog post.

By my calculations I need a million pounds. Sounds like a lot and to many it is.

Here’s what it could be.

10,000 sales at £100

1,000 sales at £1,000

100 sales at £10,000

10 sales at £100,000

1 sale at £1,000,000

Now, as you read down the list, the amounts seemed to get scarier and scarier and the number of sales seemed to be more and more unlikely.

You are wherever you are because, on some level, you believe you should be there. You don’t want to do the necessary work to expand your life (largely because you’ve been taught – and you believe – that you should study, earn a certain amount, buy and save).

What you weren’t told was earn some, then earn some MORE and invest the money to work for you rather than the other way around.

When you have a big, shiny goal in mind, the lengths you have to go seem far away but if I’ve learnt anything, chunking down is enormously underrated. Every coach said. Figure out what you want and then chunk down what you need to get there.

Yes, a sale right now at £1,000 seems crazy but that’s simply because you haven’t got the social authority YET to do it but once you’ve earned £1 or $1, the principles are all the same.

It’s your belief and work ethic you have to build and, like with many other achievements you’ve already made, it’s simple and easy once you’ve done it.

Making money is no different.

Believe in yourself and get to work.