Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it. 

Scared to win, scared to succeed, Martin’s really lost it now!

But, if you allow yourself, observe people’s behaviour.

Are they pursuing their dreams?

Are they doing their own thinking?

Are they crashing through their mental barriers?

I think we can safely predict the answer.


They believe.

They follow – even to their own demise.

They repeat the same talking points as ‘the experts’.

Desperate to fit in, when it harms them.

To win, you have to go ahead of the pack.

To win, you have to stand up for something – AKA the truth.

To win, you must be consistent, regardless of people’s objections.

You’ve heard of Tall Poppy Syndrome, it’s a tool to make you vanish into groupthink.

Don’t listen.

Be great.

Be bold.
