I had a wild dream last night.

I had a long term job that ended in 2014. There was a nightmare, bitch from Hell that worked in HR (need I say more?) who terrorised and bullied many of the staff, it was one of the final nails in the coffin for my leaving.

Last night, in the dream, I told her that she was a bitch and I woke up feeling most satisfied.

You’re always letting go of things, sorting things out in your head, establishing the truth of the world.

We do it through experiences, always acknowledging our roles in the world, deciding how it is how we each, individually, wish to live.

Which principles do you live by?

Are you living passively or (not aggressively) proactively.

A recent experience with a neighbour revealed to me that what many call aggressive is in fact self-determined, assertive and saying no to people.

Needless to say, most don’t like being told no because it means they don’t get their way anymore.

Have a constant attitude and practice of clearing out what doesn’t serve you emotionally, spiritually, psychologically and physically. You are many cosmoses of wisdom, potential and (the kicker!) unresolved trauma.

Take an active role in your life.

Make everything you do as simple as possible.

Leave the room for joy, fulfilment and self-empowerment.

Have a fabulous day!