I’m a stickler for wanting as much variety in my life as possible.

The downside of this?

Spreading myself too thinly. Always jumping.

We have a fear of getting specific as we fear missing out on great opportunities.

Like I mentioned in my YouTube video yesterday, you’re thinking the wrong way round.

When you throw yourself into a particular niche or project, you get the satisfaction of achievement and you’ll be amazed at the great opportunities and rewards that come as a result.

I’ve experienced burnout so many times partly because I’ve tried to do too many things at once and I’ve tried to be all things to all people.

It can’t be done.

Of course you can have your hobbies and passions along the way, they help to breakup the struggles and challenges but learn to throw yourself into a project and GET IT DONE.

Keep in mind that you have time, stress is the enemy of success. I remember speaking with someone who argued with me that you can be stressed and joyful (productive) at the same time. You can’t. In times of struggle, bring yourself back to why you started, what you’re working on and the results will be incredible. 

Don’t think about adding more stuff in, focus on saying no to what doesn’t work for you and your ultimate dream.

Get specific.

It will speed the process up, you’ll get more done and it’ll leave room for all the things you want to do.
