You know what I see?

People cutting corners.

I swear when I was in London, I spent more time tidying the gym than the staff did. Trainers sitting on the dumbbells and gym-goers leaning on the dumbbells doing single-arm rows. Ugh!

Litter too. I see so much of it and, naturally, I don’t leave it, I pick it up and make things BEAUTIFUL! 

Proper means you value where you are.

Proper means you value what you do.

Proper means you don’t skimp.

You get the job done properly.

There’s a lady who spends long weekends here at my building. It is so curious to me that she drives in and parks her car outside her garage in the turning area ALL DAY and then when she’s returned, she then parks her car.

Honestly, I don’t get it. I do believe I’ll always retain some of perfectionistic tendencies because, well, it makes sense and makes things look lovely.

Whatever you’re doing, do it wholeheartedly.

Wherever you are, be there wholeheartedly.

That’s the aim at least.