We all have hopes, dreams, wishes, desires.

It makes us human to long for things, we have foresight, we understand there are things to come and things that have been.

All the time though, of course, we operate under our current thinking. We believe ourselves to be above base instinct and immediate gratification but we’re not, now, are we?

Each time we make a decision, it will always, in part, be dictated by the conditioning we are yet to undo, those aspects of our characters and personalities that have, as yet, gone unquestioned.

I am obsessed by questioning, so much so, I’ve spent huge amounts of time trying to figure other people out and not myself.

They don’t know.

How the hell can I know?

Plans are one thing, execution quite another.

What if you don’t know what to do?

How’s about this?

Chill the fuck out!

A recurring theme of podcasts I’ve watched recently is allowing yourself to be bored, fritter a bit of time away. 

Stare, gaze, smell the flowers, BE WHERE YOU REALLY ARE.

Beauty is not over the horizon but right in front of you.

Success is not years away, it has already happened.

Freedom is not depend on other people, it is in your hands.


You have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

Don’t know? WHAT AN ADVENTURE!!!