Yes, I could regret many things in my life. I see a lot of you do.
My ex also. Repeatedly telling the same stories, over and over and over and over and over some more and over again and then over some more and again some more (you get the idea!), unsympathetic as it sounds, so fucking borrrrrring!
What was going to happen was going to happen, absolutely inevitable that we would split and that, this time, I wouldn’t get back in contact. As they say, I really was a moth to the old flame. Thinking I could make it work, desperately, my oh my, needy dear!
However many breakups it was, they were necessary. I have truly learned my lesson the power of no, the magic of it is inexplicable!
No is a border, it’s a standard, it’s a principle.
What you’re willing to put up with and what you’re not.
Of course, one must be decisive. When I was with him, how decisive he was did actually impress me in a weird way, it was just unfortunate I allowed myself to be ignored and I mean completely ignored.
Learn No. It means you’ll get what you want and deserve.