This subject deserves its own post.

Know what you want. Yes, tick.

Goals are dreams with deadlines. Yep, got that one.

Hustle, hustle, hustle until you make it. Granted, understood.

Only trouble is, you’re missing a vital ingredient.

You have to believe you can achieve it. You cannot achieve greatness if you doubt your abilities.

Think about it, if you’re investing time in developing skills and you have no emotional connection or intellectual grasp with them, you’re just putting yourself in stalemate and you’ll run yourself into the ground, I’ve seen it so many times.

I know it sounds esoteric to ‘start believing’ you can win but ask yourself ‘why do I have doubts?’ And ‘is it possible I’m trying to protect other people’s feelings/opinions?’. Do you want to stick to your familiar conditioning and stay ‘safe’?

Why aren’t you where you want to be? 

Has to be something in you.