I just replied to a tweet saying “creativity begets creativity”.

Of course, boiled down, creativity is an act, getting something done – letting the imagination soar and putting it down on a keyboard, paper, musical instrument and so on.

The reason you get more done once you get started is you eliminate fear, doubt and excuses.

The mind is a magical beast capable of great feats and dirty nightmares.

When it comes down to it, you have to be the one who chooses.

You have to sort yourself out first. You can want great things for other people but if you don’t do it for yourself, you will never be genuine and people will feel it.

I remember, at a friend’s birthday party, I showed one of the guests a picture of a painting I did (it’s actually hanging on my wall as we speak). Bear in mind, this is on an iPhone screen.

He said “Wow! It’s got a lot of movement.” or “Wow! There’s a lot of movement in it.” Something like that. Your impact can be felt even if it’s slightly abstracted.

Imagine the influence and impact you could have, in all the areas of your life, if you truly put yourself out there and started spreading wonderful things like beauty, wisdom, honesty, bit of controversy.

There are lessons you’ve truly learned because you now embody them, struggles you’ve overcome, funny anecdotes that are really valuable to people.

These experiences first need to be acknowledged by you, valued and then shared.

What a fantastic gift for yourself and the world.

Stand up and Speak.