Wowzers, just had a nap as I was wiped out from my gym session. One of things you forget about training is you end up very hungry and quite tired when you get back into it.
Shock to the system!
During said nap, I had a dream and in it I heard the old phrase “how do you end up doing the opposite?”
Even in the dream, I refute this.
I get it. It always looks like I choose the opposite from everyone else. I definitely believe in souls, that intrinsic part of us all that transcends time, that has been around forever, seen everything, experiencing ‘flesh and blood us’ in real time.
I’m an old soul, I know it, I feel it. Countless people have even said it ‘you have wisdom beyond your years, Martin.’, ‘you have an old head on young shoulders’. They feel it too though but are afraid to admit it.
Now, I joke that there are old and new souls and arseholes but most people don’t think their own way to the decisions they make. They do it because they’re told to, they believe it’s the right thing to do, they want to fit in.
I think things through.
Quite simple really.
And it doesn’t really take much to think independently but it’s a massive hurdle to jump because we all want, on some level, to be liked. Of course, you and I know this is a trap.
Freedom is being able to choose your own path.
Freedom is thinking for yourself.
Freedom is not needing to be liked for every single detail.
This is what independent thought does.