We’re incredulous AND we’re credulous.

Human nature bizarrely allows for contradictory positions to be held at the same time and that is how you’re manipulated.

Carefully offered models have been delivered to us to make us believe particular things.

Politicians are there to represent our needs and desires – HA!

Scientists™️ accurately deliver ‘truths’ about climate change – Please!

Experts know better than us how we should live our lives – OH, child!

These are some examples of how dangerously credulous we can be (and many tens of millions FALL into this category).

Here is the even more dangerous position we can take.

Our incredulity can lead us to ask “but why would they do this? How can they be so cruel? Why do they want to wreak such havoc, such destruction?”

They are motivated by darkness. They do not like you. They don’t want freedom for you. They want it for themselves. Just look at what they DO. Ignore what they say – this is a rule for anyone you deal with.

Talk is cheap, action is valuable.

Here’s the thing though. Are you one of the people who allows this tiny group of people’s behaviour to colour the entirety of humanity?

The Human faculty to extrapolate out from one to many is powerful but, at times, enormously destructive.

We see politicians and bankers and ‘leaders’ (all the same mob if you haven’t already noticed) and we assume that because they have a certain nature that everyone does. No, no, no, no, no.

Much of the bleakness and lack of faith in human nature comes from thinking that everyone is the same. Again, no, no, no, no, no.

I am constantly reminded of what Tania Edwards said on James Delingpole’s podcast,

James: It’s by coercion. – Yes, indeed.

Tania: But it’s also by compliance.

Why did the Australians suffer such hideous treatment during the Plandemic? It’s historically known as an island of convicts – half true, the other half staff the prisons. Get the full picture, get the full truth.

This is why I always advocate for two things.

1. Learn to say “No.”

2. Live Your Own Life.

You doubt your individual influence at your peril.

I am not painting a pretty picture of sunshine and rainbows. I am not ignorant of the problems people face but whether you’re happy or sad, we’re in the boat we’re in.

Always have in the back (and front) of your mind, what could I actually achieve if I really believe in it. What am I actually capable of if I really believe in myself?