Yep folks, last night I was screaming. In my dream.

I told a very close family member to fuck off.

I was invaded at my dining table by a mad woman screaming.

I was walking around barefoot on wet cobbles.

Eye-opening dream.

Let’s face it, every one, inside, is screaming.

Are you too thinking “what the fuck is going on?”

Why can’t people ‘human’ anymore?

Simple stuff, made frustrating.

And the truth, it’s why I’m leaving the open asylum that London has become. Everything is surface, no one can communicate properly anymore. There’s a malaise in people that’s preventing them from getting serious stuff done and being able to see what’s actually going on.

We’re being squeezed.

Slowly being banned from our cars.

Travelling around is becoming more and more difficult.

People aren’t able to understand nuanced and familiar language.

Stop the screaming, let’s find the freedom!