Ever find how people are so rigid.

They live by rules, they really believe them. They don’t see how heavily they are imposed by such a tiny faction and yet will base their lives so totally on people who a) don’t give a flying fuck about them and b) will never witness them obeying the rules.

I used to laugh at people stringently wearing masks and dictating to others they should do the same. “Do you think Boris Johnson can actually see you. Is he ticking you off the list as a good boy or girl?!”

You have to decide how you live your life.

In all things, never go out to intentionally hurt people but understand that when you stand up for what’s RIGHT – you will get a lot of resistance and scorn. It’s just part of being an adult.

When you live life flexibly and realise that nothing is set in stone you can have some incredible adventures. When you’re open, you become resilient. Why? Because when you are truly open, not only do you try things others wouldn’t but you leave the space for the solutions to come to you too.

As bleak as it sounds…

There is no ‘law’. It is fabricated and manipulated never objective.

There is no ‘society’. Only individuals and families. – Thatcher! Brilliant.

There is no one size fits all. Be free – that’s what the Western World formerly got right.