Here we go, I’m going to be a bit of a girl and complain about my ex.

One of the things that used to drive me crazy about him was when I would do the tiniest of things like washing up or clearing something off the floor, he would often say.

“What’s wrong with your fingers?” when I would prefer to use a tissue for example. Tiny things, little things, so fucking irritating.

This is a large part of the work I’m doing to clear my head of his pernickety voice.

The wider point of this is to remember that, you know what I’m going to say, this is YOUR life. If you can’t be yourself without being relentlessly picked on, the relationship is likely dead on arrival.

Having the distance of time, I realise that he was trapped in a cycle of control. If it wasn’t his way, it was the wrong way. Ugly!

Be yourself and learn to say fuck off more.