Your government doesn’t care.
The media doesn’t care.
The medical profession doesn’t care.
Lawyers don’t care.
Bankers don’t care.
None of them care about you, they don’t know who you are.
Bleak huh? No, not at all.
All your life you’ve been waiting for people to give a shit and they don’t – too busy worrying about themselves.
If you’re going to get anywhere in life, you cannot imprison yourself longing for peoples’ approval or even to be acknowledged by them.
You have to learn to stand on your own two feet and start giving a shit about yourself.
What can you do?
How can you make a positive difference?
What really matters to you that you’d like to share?
I’m still perpetually amazed that people go to social media to tell us that politicians lie, like they haven’t figured that out yet. It’s funny really how clueless people can be.
“Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do.”
The truth is, and always has been, that most people just follow what they’re told to do. Very few are actually conscious.
You have a choice today, and every day, whether to let go of what you can’t change and start focusing in on making a genuine difference. It can be very, very lonely but the rest of us awake are out there.