You know what this feels like.
I’ve had great trouble from holding onto so many destructive memories. I’ve held resentments, slights, traumas for many, many years, decades even. I’ve tried to figure people out.
Waste of time.
I’ve complimented myself for having a great memory and while that’s true (and useful in certain contexts), it’s also been a permanent dagger in my side.
Guess what I’ve done!
Let go – certainly!
Stopped cherishing certain ideas that boost my ego.
Increasingly (and this is a work in progress we all face) leaving people to their business.
Focusing on what matters – the beautiful connections with fellow human beings.
It doesn’t take much to clog your brain with bullshit. Take it from someone who knows!
I’ve described crazy outbursts when I’ve been so overwhelmed as ‘emotional epilepsy’.
I want peace. I also want productivity.
Focusing on what I really want, figuring out the strategies and, with greater investment and immersion,
Doing the thing.