I’ve indulged many vices in my time.
One of them – believing people have had it in for me, trying to manipulate me. What has this meant? Well, it’s meant I’ve attracted some rather unsavoury people into my life.
Here’s the bit you won’t want to hear – yes, you’re responsible for that too – the people you welcome into your life. Never let vampires cross your threshold, you have to invite them in first.
Of course, once you’ve repeated a pattern so many times, it becomes habitual and, as expected, you will assume that all people have some nefarious motive.
I’ve discovered, thankfully, that this is not always the case.
I recently reunited with my boyfriend. I feel very blessed, very fortunate and very peaceful knowing there are very special people out there who really do care.
Start to rack up the wins, good fortunes and blessings, pay close attention to the joy in your life. Then, and only then, will you start to live a life so many only dream of.
Allow the good people in.