Fortune favours the brave.
Serenity favours the active.
The greatest prison is procrastination.
The universe loves speed (not racing, not haste nor hurry).
We’re told “if in doubt, don’t do.” Nah!
When in doubt, carry on. Like I said yesterday, it’s just another step.
An unofficial tagline of mine is aspiring to not be bothered by things, to realise that whatever faces you, you can deal with it. You’re stronger than you believe and more capable than you know.
So, if there’s something you ‘need to do’, just do it.
Nothing is set in stone nor cast in concrete. The world is going on regardless and, believe me, there are way bigger fish to fry than the thing you’re agonising over.
Get things done, make them as simple as possible, don’t make such a big deal over them and wake up