When you have to decide what’s working for you and what’s not for you.
You have a right to be who you are, to express yourself freely, to do what you need to do. You don’t have the right to tell other people what they have to do. Believe me, I’ve experienced a lot of the latter from people no longer in my life.
So there comes a time when you have to make a choice of who you accept and what you want your life to feel like.
Compromise is a very difficult thing, it always feels like you’re losing something(s) but you may be gaining many great freedoms. I’m not going to deny that it can feel very bleak at times.
I have the desire to live life peacefully, to be able to say things when I need to and, often, I wonder if the solitary life is for me. I don’t know yet and there are certain things I am currently addicted to, by the way, I’m not talking about substances.
You’re stronger than you think.
You can overcome.