Choose regret if you want.
Choose to say you’ve made mistakes.
Choose to say you should have acted sooner.
Yep, great. Fact is, though, you’ve done it all, it’s all gone, all you can do is learn from it.
Each experience is a gift when you extract the wisdom from it, refuse to consciously make destructive decisions and get on with life.
In today’s world, it can be very hard to drown out noise. It’s why I love getting out for walks to be at one with my thoughts, my feelings and my aspirations.
Get things on their feet.
Move them around.
See which layout you like.
Experiment with schedules.
Find the times and methods you like.
You’re going to have to do the work, you have to find the ways that make that work.
You’ve already been blessed a million times and one, start acknowledging, being grateful and using the skills and wisdom you already have.