Or was I?
I spoke recently about having a discovery call with a very nice chap. He e-mailed me the other day to say, in round terms ‘that it wasn’t the right time for him.’
To be honest, I am not surprised.
Had I had this experience six months ago I would have been incredibly disappointed but I’m not today.
When you put yourself out there, you are going to get a lot of different responses, always remember that what feels like an end is only the beginning. If you’ve had a ‘no’ that means you’ve gone through the process to a certain point and you’re braver than most people.
I recall the conversation he and I had and you know what I felt?
I felt bold, confident, honest. I challenged the man and, of course, his decision is his to make. Who knows maybe he and I will work together at some future point but that is not the real point.
He was the first focused conversation I’ve had, there will be many more.
Keep going.
It’s only the end when you say it is.