Don’t you think that ‘selfishness’ has a bad rap?

If you’re not looking after your own best interest, who else will and should that even be a position?

It’s clear to me that we imprison ourselves, we do a perfectly fine job of that regardless of other people.

I see numerous people actively behaving against their own welfare and I’m afraid, the majority of the time you have to leave them to it.

You can’t rationalise people out of a position they didn’t rationalist themselves into.

My therapist yesterday quoted a fantastic phrase “the body keeps the score”. It’s, in fact, the title of a book, you have to start racking up wins for yourself, feeling good about yourself, asking what it is that you want and feeling good about that too.

That’s what putting yourself at the top of the list means. You live your life, you have to, no one else can walk in your shoes. No one else is going to do the work for you to achieve your desires. No one else will care about your life like you do.

Call me selfish, call me crazy but that’s the way it is.