I have two ‘just overs’ to mention.

Numero uno is just over three months since the split from my ex.

Number duo is just over two months since drinking my final drop of alcohol.

It feels longer.

The effects are great. 

It makes me realise just how much what I believe were ‘needs’ can change. Needs often are a distraction from what you CAN do. You’re more capable than you think. I am definitely more able than I give myself credit for.

Accept that each stage of your life is necessary. People talk about mistakes but they fail to understand that we can only operate out of the thinking and feeling we believe at any given moment.

We don’t have mental crystal balls or emotional scrying mirrors. You are where you are, I say it a lot and it sounds obvious to read but I don’t think people accept where they are, always want to be somewhere else and, as I’ve observed, would rather argue and be miserable in a particular situation than resolve it as simply and easily in the moment.

Tempus fugit, and it passes quickly, no doubt.

Learn to fill it with joy and creativity.

Make love not war.