Everyone has their specialist subject they can’t help but talk about.
Gun Control
The Plandemic
Good VS Evil
To Jab or Not To Jab
Big State, No State
Fill in the blank.
Don’t get me wrong, I consume a lot of podcasts and am fascinated about people discussing this stuff. Truly.
But I’m not really an ‘issues’ guy. I like solutions and what I observe is the pontificators don’t really have any answers and defer to whatever higher power.
The point of life is to get things done, no matter how hard it may seem at first.
If there is one ‘issue’ that I focus on, it’s that business is the most peaceful way for people to interact. Business is a mutual exchange or as close to it as you can get.
So the reason I don’t talk about all the different issues in the public marketplace of ideas is because it just creates more energy towards the black-pilling we see so much of.
Call me Pollyanna.
Call me airy-fairy.
Call me, not a talker but, a DOER!